Meet people, have fun & get fit!
Blues in the Pews is back for another year at Diddington Village Church. Dancing in the pews is encouraged!
Saturday 14th October at 7.30pm
Bar/Buffet/Raffle....all this for £12.50 per person
For tickets contact Polly on 07721 068606
Download the Quartet
Diddington Church presents.....'Blues in the Pews'
The fabulous Stella Hensley with her amazing musicians are returning to St Laurence Church following a two year break due to covid.
We look forward to welcoming them back on Saturday 9th October 2021 at 7pm.
Wine, Beer & Gin available to purchase (cash only please)
£10 per ticket. All in aid of Diddington Church. Please contact Polly Carpenter-O'Driscoll on 07721 068606.
We are delighted that Bishop Stephen can join us for a service of Confirmation at Diddington Church on Wednesday 23rd June at 7.00pm. At the moment there are two candidates but there may be more. The service will be led by Bishop Stephen. We do not know what, if any, social distancing measures will need to be in place so numbers of guests that can attend might have to be limited. But arrangements will be clearer nearer the time. Being confirmed is invariably a very special time for candidates, who make their own profession of the Christian faith and receive the laying on of hands fro the Bishop as he parys for the Holy Spirit to fill the person's life with love and peace.
If you would like to consider being confirmed on this occasion and would like to talk it through with Annette, please do get in touch as soon as possible on 01480 211048.
Come along to Diddington Church on Saturday 5th October at 7.30pm to enjoy the wonderful Blues in the Pews session! With the velvet vocals of Stella Hensley, Chris Newman on guitar, Mike Clifford on sax, flute, clarinet and vocals, Colin Hazell on keyboard and Richard Ashman on percussion.
Tickets are £10, £5 for under 16s with drinks available.
Contact Polly on 07721 068606 or Kerry on 01480 813810 to book your ticket.
Funds raised in aid of Diddington Church and Sports Connections Foundation.
Blues in the Pews at St Laurence Church, Diddington.
A magical night of music and stories with 'The Bath Tub Blues Trio' on Saturday 22 September at 7.00pm.
Renowned blues and ragtime guitarist Chris Newman, Keyboard wizard Colin Hazel and bluesy songstress Stella Hensley will be bringing their 'Bath Tub Blues Trio' to Diddington Church for one night only! There will be some blues, ragtime, and slide guitar, songs you can sing along to, songs you will hear for the first time and lots of audience participation! You will be captivated by Stella's velvet vocals and the superb musicianship of Chris and Colin.
This fabulous bunch of musicians will take you on a journey through some of their own original material with stories alongside and into some well known covers and songs you can join in with. This is a special night not to be missed.
£10 per ticket on the door or direct from Polly Carpenter-Driscoll 07721 068606.
Mrs Nicci Jones
Benefice Administrator
c/o The Vicarage,
24 St. James' Road,
Little Paxton,
St. Neots,
Cambs, PE19 6QW
dummy(01480) 877215
dummy admin@thepaxtonsbenefice.org
All churches in our Benefice are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children, young people and vulnerable adults and expect all those employed by and volunteering on behalf of the church to share this commitment.
Please read our policy document below: