Meet people, have fun & get fit!
When does the church make you smile?......
your children/grandchildren walk on the front wall?
you walk or drive past and admire the churchyard and building?
you hear the bells ringing?
you hear the clock chiming the hour?
you sit and have a few minutes of peace/reflection in the churchyard?
you meet for a coffee and a chat on a friday morning?
you eat your fish and chips?
you watch a film?
you attend a wedding?
you attend a carol service?
you attend a weekly service?
The running of our church is built on donations. If you would like to help us maintain the wonderful activities and be part of our efforts to keep St James Church moving forward there are various options to make a one-off or regular donation:
Simply scan the QR code above, go to www.parishgiving.org.uk/donors/find-your-parish/little-paxton-st-james-st-neots or call 0333 002 1271 to set up a direct debit.
If you wish to make a donation straight to the St James Church bank account please contact Churchwarden, Helen Young, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Mrs Nicci Jones
Benefice Administrator
c/o The Vicarage,
24 St. James' Road,
Little Paxton,
St. Neots,
Cambs, PE19 6QW
dummy(01480) 877215
dummy admin@thepaxtonsbenefice.org
All churches in our Benefice are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children, young people and vulnerable adults and expect all those employed by and volunteering on behalf of the church to share this commitment.
Please read our policy document below: