Meet people, have fun & get fit!
Come and join the Southonian Singers for their Christmas Concert at Southoe Church on Tuesday 19th December at 7.30pm.
Tickets £5 (pay on the door) includes glass of wine and refreshments; raffle...
Profits towards St Leonard's Church and Southoe & Midloe Community Hub Project
Download the Quartet
Fun Quiz Night
Saturday 21st October 2023
Begins at 7.30pm
Southoe Village Hall
Teams of 6 - £5 per person
Bring your own drinks and nibbles
Raffle (prizes welcome)
To book please contact Angela on 07789 647282 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Come along to Southoe Church, in the centre of the Village, to enjoy an afternoon of autumn fun! With afternoon tea and cakes, raffle, tombola, games and raffle prizes......
Saturday 2nd October 2-4.30pm at St leonard's Church, Southoe
Profits to St Leonard's Church and the Southoe & Midloe Community Hub Project
Did you know that you can keep up to date with things happening in Southoe Village by signing up to the village grapevine or by joining Southoe Facebook page? If you are already a member of Facebook simply search for SOUTHOE LIFE and ask to join.
Full of information, debate or simply ask a question yourself. The grapevine is an emal service that is also used for village information. Handy if you don't use facebook. Up and coming events, lost and found, for sales or giveaways, recommendations, etc. Anything really. Emails are sent out to everyone who has joined using bcc (blind carbon copy), therefore your email address is not visible to anyone else. Like the Facebook page anyone can use it, many people use both, but the grapevine fills the gap for people who don't use Facebook. If you would like to join the email group, please send an email to:
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
giving your name, where you live and any other email addresses in your family that you would like to add. If you have any questions, please ask at the above email address.
Come along to Southoe's Village Fayre on Saturday 10 August starting at 2pm. It takes place on the Village Playing Field with plenty of activities and stalls. Do take a look at our leaflet for more information:
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Mrs Nicci Jones
Benefice Administrator
c/o The Vicarage,
24 St. James' Road,
Little Paxton,
St. Neots,
Cambs, PE19 6QW
dummy(01480) 877215
dummy admin@thepaxtonsbenefice.org
All churches in our Benefice are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children, young people and vulnerable adults and expect all those employed by and volunteering on behalf of the church to share this commitment.
Please read our policy document below: