Meet people, have fun & get fit!
In the coming weeks (fortnightly) Mel will be fucssing on ideas taken from the book 'Liturgy of the Ordinary' by Tish Harrison Warren, and begins in today's video with finding God in ordinary events of life and particularly thinking about waking in the morning. Here is the link for this week's Wednesday worship for 9th September 2020 and also the service sheet which accompanies her service:
Download the Quartet
Here is the link to Mel's Wednesday Worship for 26th August 2020. This will be the sixth in her series regarding 'People Jesus Met' and it focuses on Zacchaeus, a rich chief tax collector, up a tree, abandoning all dignity in order to get a glimpse of Jesus. From September, Mel will continue to provide wednesday worship but only on the second and fourth weeks of the month moving forward. Therefore the next one will be on Wednesday 9th September. Below is the link to the worship and also the service sheet:
Welcome back from a slight break! Here is Mel's Wednesday Worship for 19th August. This will be the fifth in Mel's series 'People Jesus Met' and this week Jesus meets a man in need at the Pool of Bethesda. Please find the link below for the service and also the service sheet:
Here is the link to Mel's Wednesday Worship for the 5th August. This is the fourth in her series of 'People Jesus Met' and this week we meet up with Martha and Mary - two very different sisters each loving Jesus in their own ways, and both loved by him.
For your information, there will be no virtual service from Mel next week so the next one will be the 19th August.
Here is Mel's wednesday worship for the week of 29th July which is the third in her series of 'People Jesus Met' and this week we come to the house of Simon the Pharisee. Please also find the link below to the service sheet:
Mrs Nicci Jones
Benefice Administrator
c/o The Vicarage,
24 St. James' Road,
Little Paxton,
St. Neots,
Cambs, PE19 6QW
dummy(01480) 877215
dummy admin@thepaxtonsbenefice.org
All churches in our Benefice are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children, young people and vulnerable adults and expect all those employed by and volunteering on behalf of the church to share this commitment.
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