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Please find below a link to Mel Eyeons' Wednesday Worship along with a link to the service sheet. This is the second in her series of the parables of Jesus in Matthew's gospel - this week is the story of the sower and the seeds that fell in different places and grew in different ways:
Download the Quartet
Here is the link below to Mel's midweek worship. The link below is to the service sheet. This week Mel will be talking on the parable of the wise and foolish builders - the first in a series on the parables of Jesus in Matthew's gospel:
Good Morning....
See the link below for Mel's service of Morning Prayer with the theme of Elijah and the still, small voice. There is alos a link to the service sheet:
Our Licensed Lay Minister's weekly wednesday service for May 20th 2020. The link is below plus a link to the service sheet.
It is a Rogationtide service focusing on work in our current context:
Weekly reflections from our Licensed Lay Minister, Mel Eyeons with readings, prayers and music focusing on the life of faith.
Mrs Nicci Jones
Benefice Administrator
c/o The Vicarage,
24 St. James' Road,
Little Paxton,
St. Neots,
Cambs, PE19 6QW
dummy(01480) 877215
dummy admin@thepaxtonsbenefice.org
All churches in our Benefice are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children, young people and vulnerable adults and expect all those employed by and volunteering on behalf of the church to share this commitment.
Please read our policy document below: